Articles on PR for People

From Boston: Ain’t No (Bus) Stopping Us Now

Wanderu helps you follow your own path

As it is the home of the first American subway and other Revolutionary ideas, it may be no surprise that Boston is the home of what may well be the next revolutionary idea in transportation.

Wanderu allows travelers to search for and book bus and rail passages in an ever-growing portion of the planet on one quick and efficient site...

Digital Strategy for Startups

Tech startups are all the rage, with digitally powered demand-based services and cloud storage or cloud function initiatives also gathering a great deal of coverage in mainstream media.  Stories emanate out of the Silicon Valley, New York City’s Silicon Alley, Boston’s Rte 128 corridor, Austin, etc., appearing almost daily.  Those tend to be the nerve centers of tech startups, but many other startup business categories exist that are not...

Native Voices Rising

In a quiet field beyond a locked chain-link gate not far from Interstate 5 in Salem, Oregon stands a curved, rusty metal sign that says “Chemawa Cemetery.” A thin, rust-colored cross separates the two words, an example of how the Native American spirituality these children were born into—the worlds of their ancestors for tens of thousands of years—was denied to them, even in death.

Hope may be coming for these children and others...

George Lois Packs a Punch

When legendary ad man George Lois speaks, it is no small thing. His performance is a one-man-show offering us a guided tour through the golden age of popular culture. Hailed as the Golden Greek when he first came on the scene, over the years he’s been honored with Lifetime Achievement Awards from the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) and the Society of Publication Designers (SPD),...

Commercial/Editorial Portraiture

Commercial photography is the genre within our business that most often means you are photographing someone or something for the purpose of selling the product or person or disseminating information about it/them! As I have often said, if you are shooting for a publication, you need first to know the publication, how it uses images and what types of images it needs. When I go on assignment for any publication, and I know who the subject is...

How To Shoot With A Wide Angle Lens

A “wide angle” lens is one where the elements are put together to bend light rays so that the image created encompasses more of the scene. The angle of view is anywhere from a “fisheye” (almost 180 degrees) to roughly 35-40mm (for a full-frame 35mm camera) where the angle of view is around 65-85 degrees. This type of lens will yield an image that shows most of the scene in front of the camera.

Wide angle lenses do several things...

PR for People® Book Reviews July 2016

Beauty is in the hand of the mascara wand wielder

Your Beauty Mark – Dita Von Teese Dey Street Books – 400 pp - $45

Grace & Style – Grace Helbig

Touchstone – 240 pp - $19.99

You want to read up on fashion and style? Try these two very different books on for size –

“Your Beauty Mark” is a lavish book by international burlesque star Dita Von Teese.


From Tragedy to Treats

Grieving mother turns pain into pain

When her teenage son suddenly committed suicide in 2014, devoted mother and educator Galit Grutman of Newton, MA was shattered.

In picking up the pieces, however, she was not only able to find purpose for herself; she was also able to bring joy to others.

As the founder of Galit’s Treats with Love  (http...

The Digital Strategies of High Fashion and Portable Devices

Digital Strategy creates a level playing field in high fashion.  This strategy is in marketing, protection against knock-offs, and maintaining brand integrity while reaching far more customers and end users.

Tech is the new fashion.  Or better put: technology is in vogue at design houses and the fashion world.  Technology and fashion are now merging into one and the same product and entity.  How so?  By fashion houses that have...

"Just The Way You Are"

From Medford, New Jersey

by Cindy Weinstein

There’s an unusual component to the traditional high school yearbook. Typically, there exist tributes, highlight reels, teacher, staff and student profiles, clubs, organizations, and sports categories. Also contained is a competitively odd feature casting graduating classmates into “Best” or  ”Most” roles. Personally, I never ‘got‘ this. My...