climate change

Latest Posts in climate change

Book Review: The Overstory by Richard Powers

The Overstory is not an ordinary environmental tale. Author Richard Powers has architected a powerful message that could have only been crafted by a master writer. This is an important book that will stand the test of time, hopefully for all eternity if we, trees and humans, are able to soldier on.

Toward a New Social Contract for Our Endangered Species

Accelerating climate change, and an array of other serious global problems and conflicts, prompting some theorists to warn of a “societal collapse”, suggest that the time has come for a new, global social contract, including what I am calling a “global governance initiative.”  Here is a brief summary of this situation, and of my prescription.

An interview with Dr. Peter A. Corning

While humanity has made many strides toward progress, as of late, our culture seems to be in a regression. Why do human beings make the same mistakes? This is the question we brought to the evolutionary biologist and author Dr. Peter Corning.

October 2024 Magazine

This month we focus on environmental concerns. Barbara Lloyd McMichael writes a feature article about the “Trinity” Act that would support wildlife protections for America’s Bison, Grizzly Bear and Wolves. For the past six months, we have published Dr. Peter Corning’s series of six linked essays UNITE OR DIE. Dr. Corning describes why climate change is worsening, but he also offers solutions to this growing problem. To read all of Dr. Corning’s linked essays in this six-part series please go to Dr. Corning’s website. Our featured book review, written by Barbara McMichael, covers “The Air They Breathe” by pediatrician Dr. Debra Hendrickson. My essay On Stewardship examines the essence of truth, beauty, and garbage. –Patricia Vaccarino


The Hazards of Interconnection

When we layer the complexity of political campaigns into the incidents and events, we add an entirely new layer of hot spots to the model. We have another challenge here. Because we are so interconnected, spreading rumors and disinformation about those seeking public office is easy.