
Latest Posts in obamacare

What the Republican Tax Package Means

The deep purpose of the current (Fall 2017) tax package, poorly disguised behind a smoke-screen of bald-faced lies, is to benefit the rich at the expense of the poor -- and the middle-class, and future generations.  Those of us who already benefit the most from our society will pay less taxes (in some cases billions of dollars less), while taking benefits away from the rest of us.

Red Kool Aid Blue Kool Aid: What Really Happened To The Promise Of Obamacare

The Affordable Care Act will go down in history as an important piece of Barack Obama's legacy. Leonard Zwelling worked through the implementation of that landmark law as a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation health policy fellow. His “dizzying” memoir, Red Kool Aid Blue Kool Aid:  How Partisan Politics and Greed Undermined ObamaCare (Franklin Scribes Publishers) sheds light on little-known details of perhaps one of the most...