Articles on PR for People


Even today I’m haunted by Tommy Wooten because of what became of him. He died in a car crash. There are car accidents every day, but the brutality of Tommy’s car crash lingers. 

The Fire This Time

We knew that 2025 was going to be a year of significant change because of the election of a convicted felon to the presidency, but history sometimes takes a winding path and that’s where we are now, as we prepare for Congressional hearings next week on Cabinet appointees and the inauguration of Trump on January 20th, where, on his first day in office, Trump has promised at least 100 presidential orders as well as the deportation of an untold number of “illegal immigrants” who have lives, families, and homes in The Land of the Free.

December 2024 Magazine

It’s up to us to create our own light during these dark times. In Let the Bells Ring OutBarbara Lloyd McMichael writes about the National Bell Festival and the noble act of bell restoration. Why does humanity make the same mistakes over and over? We posed this question when we interviewed Dr. Peter Corning. In this age of anxiety, there is a way to flourish. Take a lesson from my essay “The Renaissance Belongs to You.” I wish you many blessings and much joy during this holiday season! – Patricia Vaccarino

The Renaissance Belongs to You

Beyond our quest for survival, there is a way to flourish through the most difficult, anxious, and darkest of times. Take a lesson from the Renaissance.


Let The Bells Ring Out

Paul Ashe was (and still is) the marketing guy, and his conversation in that Washington D.C. barroom a few years back was with the pastor of the Georgetown Lutheran Church. Their convo led to the revelation that the church was the home of the city’s oldest Lutheran congregation, founded seven years before the signing of the Declaration of Independence – and two solid decades before the District of Columbia was designated the nation’s capital. But in recent years, Ashe learned, the church had developed a sad case of tintinnabulation deficit disorder.


What Lies Ahead

We seem to have come to a reckoning point in American history where explanations we have relied upon for years should be re-examined.  From various analyses of voting data, many are surprised that it’s white people who made the difference on Trump’s numbers. We need to  better understand the issues that make a difference to voters of all races and ethnicities, and how to present them better going forward, even from thin minority positions in both Houses. There is a mid-term election in two years.  

An interview with Dr. Peter A. Corning

While humanity has made many strides toward progress, as of late, our culture seems to be in a regression. Why do human beings make the same mistakes? This is the question we brought to the evolutionary biologist and author Dr. Peter Corning.

A Dream About the Human Condition And the Future of Life on Earth

I call it the “Life Tree” – a living combined effect. It came to me in a dream.  I saw a vast circle of small lights – like flickering candles, or maybe tiny Christmas lights.

Book Review: The Tigers of Lents

Author Mark Pomeroy does a fine job of capturing the saga of a family living in Lents, Oregon. These are real people grappling with real problems in a world where everything has been stacked against them. The family members belong to an invisible economic class—the working poor.

The Return of a Demagogic Populist President after 200 Years

This year, our nation experienced the mobilization of the lowest economic class against the establishment controlled by the elites for the second time. It’s not a Marxist revolution or a fascist coup; it’s a significant portion of American voters uprising to overthrow the established order. This bare majority may not endure, but a visible eruption has abandoned the liberal normality of prioritizing rational and humane behavior. But it is not a foreign-inspired movement. It is a domestic insurrection born from our political culture dating back to the 1800s.