Articles on PR for People

Robin Lindley interviews award-winning Seattle-based filmmaker John de Graaf

Robin Lindley interviews award-winning Seattle-based filmmaker John de Graaf on his new documentary on the life and legacy of perhaps our greatest environmentalist, Stewart Udall. Despite his many achievements, the public memory of Udall has faded and John worked in his film to re-introduce him, and especially to younger people who are disillusioned and frustrated by today's politics of division and stalemate.

The Parties want the Constitution to Balance our Budget

Both parties provoked Federal debt crises for decades, yet they willfully deny the possibility of the US defaulting on future loan payments.

Book Review: The Song of the Lark

The genius of Willa Cather lies within the knitted pastiche of her intricate storytelling. On the surface, Thea Kronborg grows up in the modest home of her Swedish immigrant family. The real story, however, resides with its not-so-hidden premise: every artist who has extraordinary talent eventually comes to an awareness that true talent is far larger than any one person.  

Book Review: Poverty, By America

Matthew Desmond’s book is eminently well researched and sets forth the irrefutable proposition of just how easy it is to become poor and stay poor in America. There is a dark underside to the reality of America being the richest nation in the world—it’s called poverty. 

Conservative Justices Save The Voters Rights Act by Describing Systemic Racism Conditions

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh joined the three liberal Justices in Allen v. Milligan to reject Alabama’s Congressional district mapping. Their verdict upheld the District Court’s decision ordering the Alabama legislature to create a second Black voting opportunity district.   

Justice Without Fear or Favor

In the 1960s, a relatively new technology was able to record and broadcast as news the behavior of citizens and law enforcement in Southern states, in particular Alabama and Mississippi. The rhetoric matched the behavior, as protesters or voting rights advocates were beaten while the police stood by. One cannot repeat the names called, but can remember still the violent speech used by segregationists as they fought against the change that was coming.

June 2023 Magazine

June is our jobs issue when we look at labor markets, unusual jobs and developing economic trends. Our feature story is about Labor Union Consultant and Activist Mike Locker. We also feature working-class hero Bryan Apslund who is Operations Supervisor at the Des Moines Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant in Des Moines, Washington. 

Labor Unions Are Here to Stay!

William Lulow interviews Mike Locker President of New York City-based Locker Associates, a union-friendly business-consulting firm.

Stewards of Public Health

Most of us probably don’t think much about where our wastewater goes once it swirls down the drain.  In fact, most of us would rather not think about that at all.

Patricia Vaccarino Author Chat June 22 Yonkers Public Library

The Yonkers Public Library hosts Patricia Vaccarino in author chat via zoom on Thursday, June 22.