The idea of world government is an enduring dream that has been espoused by many prominent people, including Immanuel Kant to Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, and Martin Luther King. Both the League of Nations and the United Nations were incremental steps in this direction. Dr. Corning sets forth his argument that the world needs expanded global governance, and an enhanced role for world government.
The megadrought that has ravaged the southwestern portion of the United States is now in its 15th year. Although it has been hugely disruptive, the region has thus far been able to cope with it successfully. The economy has been severely damaged, but cooperation has been the overwhelming response. Citizens, private organizations, and governments at all levels have been able to coordinate their remedial efforts. In no small part this is due to the massive support and leadership provided by two new U.N. super-agencies that were created under the comprehensive Global Governance Initiative in 2024.
Early on in the drought, the U.N.’s new Global Infrastructure Fund had designated the region as a high-risk area and had begun construction of 20 seawater desalination plants along the coastline under the new Global Social Contract between the U.N. and each of its 193 member-countries. This involved a cooperative effort between the U.N. and the U.S., with shared construction costs. As a result, these state-of-the-art fresh-water plants are now all coming online. A fleet of tanker trucks and railroad tank cars is carrying the water inland to where it is needed. Major water conservation projects were also initiated in the region, and many state-of-the-art waste-water recycling plants are also in service.
This important U.N. project has been coupled with a massive effort, shared by the GIF and U.S. federal, state, and local governments, to convert the region completely to solar, wind, geothermal and tidal power systems – thus accelerating a transition that was already well underway before the drought. These new sources of clean electric power have also facilitated a near-total conversion to electric cars, trucks, and buses.
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