Second in a series of articles educating the public about the media.
Today’s media outlets are under tremendous pressure to get eyeballs. They are desperate to make money. Slashing the size of newsrooms and publishing canned content is only part of the story. The Media will do anything to get attention. They will even shake their booty.
Briefly consider who owns the media. Large corporations own the major media outlets and, like big hulking fish, have been snapping up smaller publications. Check out the list of billionaires who made their money in media, or who bought a prestigious media outlet like a shiny new toy to park in the garage. These individuals have the power to influence what is reported in the news; they all have different points of view; then add the fact that large media conglomerates are driven to make money. All of this means, there’s a whole lot of booty shaking going on.
Historically, the media made its money by selling large volumes of display ads. This is no longer true. The shift has been made to online media, where it takes a whole lot more clicks to make the same amount of money. The media will do anything for eyeballs, the more sensational and shocking, the better; and you, the consumer of media, are in grave danger of not knowing what is really going on in your your country, state, or your community because the real news is not sexy enough to warrant a booty call.
Consider the pitch I received from a writer at the Wavy Gravy Show: I can help submit only the cringiest and offensive of reading material for the pr for people magazine if y’all want a cringe section I could easily make everyone puke on an hourly basis if needed.
It’s not only ownership of media outlets that has changed, but the change in media is reflected in how every single media outlet is a rich purveyor of yellow journalism. All of this might help you to understand the modus operandi of the 2016 Presidential campaign. Many of the slanderous and outlandish comments being made are only increasing the booty factor. Shake it. Shake it good. Shaking your booty translates as ratings, traffic, clicks!
Do you want to make an informed decision about the Presidential election? Here are three tips. Read an article longer than a meme on Facebook. Examples include the in-depth investigative reporting on the front page of every Sunday’s New York Times or daily election coverage from The New Yorker. Watch something else other than Fox News. It is okay to go to the public library to do real research.
Being informed about what’s really going on takes time and maybe you’re just too busy. You probably feel the same way about exercise, which is why your booty is sort of hanging low. If you’re not willing to exercise your critical thinking skills and probe deeply by reading a range of different news sources, there is an alternative. You can always get Booty Pop. Booty Pop claims to be the hottest new butt enhancement cream out there. With their advanced formula, you will see a firmer, more bootylicious bottom in just two weeks. Here’s the link to buy Booty Pop because you’re going to need it.